Friday, October 14, 2005

The Greatest Side Effect of Boredom

So I finally found the Mantra to the blogger's block, which seems to hit me
every once in a while, I haven’t patented it yet so all u fellow bloggers feel free to plagiarize it (but let us not get into the discussion of whether it is worth plagiarizing)  
but please don't blame me if you don’t get comments enough

  Mantra #1 - tried and tested n never ever failed - any movie/movies u have watched  -irrespective of whether it is Bolly/Holly wood never leaves u disappointed - sometimes even the comments u had made at the movie over the popcorn should do the trick

  Mantra #2 - rant at random about your recent book read but I must warn you that many people might find that condescending, don't worry I have a solution for that too - just spice it up with as many likeable quotes from the books

  Mantra #3 - there must be at least one song hovering in your head of which u remember only one or two lines -writing 'bout it would help u find out which numbah it is in no time...

  Mantra #4 - any glimpse of the lille love u had experienced - now people might hate watching those mushy-mushy ones in the films but watch the effect when it is about your own romance...If u don’t have one, invent one (but make sure u don’t reveal that bit)

  Mantra #5 - - they say “Mallika Sherawat (read Sex) or Shahruk” sells n it does even on the big blog world!!!!

So now no more excuses of the blogger’s block any more…


Sujit said...

Me first.. Nice way getting into the roll.. but is it really worth!!!

Anonymous said...

good one :)
unblocked to eternity.
can one add more mantras.
:) and then in the end bring out a coffee table book called "bloggers block. how to get one and get out of many." :)
Ps- this word verification can be well blogged issue (how to unbecome dyslexic) :) i stop now

sinusoidally said...
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sinusoidally said...

You mantras could be used if only one must feel the need to write on the blog so badly...

Thanks for stopping by on mine :-)

Anonymous said...

so which one r u gonna sell - mallika or SRK...?

~RAUL~ said...

read somewhere that payal rohtagi is the next mallika that girl surely is hot...

GratisGab said...

Ah, a much needed fix indeed!

Rohan Kumar said...

Guilty of 1, seen u pull number 2, have thought abt 3 on more than a few occasions myself, 4 helps ppl enjoy their guilty pleasures I guess and well wat can u say abt....golden words from Ms. Sleazeball Dhupia :)

Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

do u mean is getting into the roll worth it or the Mantras ?? :)

spammers are good blogging subject alwayz esp., those junk mails we get on hotmail which have been the subject of many a blog

perhaps it is just to get the blog going.....

eeeks....neither :)

bin hearing a lot 'bout this Payal something.., never heard 'bout her

yup a fix in need is a fix in deed :)

all of us are 'guilty' 'bout atleast 1 Mantra in that list ;)

sure, Go ahead and Thanks for including mine.

~RAUL~ said...

This mantra #4 is totally idiotic. I mean one shud just keep mum on this matter or atleast don't shout abt it in public.
I wud say a big GO for #5

FlyingHigh said...

Interesting..and very useful for someone who suffers from Bloggers block nearly all the time :)

Sin said...

Lol! One more remedy for blogger's block...write about remedies for blogger's block. Good one. :)

Rat said...

Aah Interesting. Will try and see which works for me.

Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

is tat a case of sour grapes??? ;)

even I'm like tat -alwayz wondering wat to write next ...

@Truth fairy
yaa and that would become a good example of a loop ...

So u r back! tatz great news....yaa go ahead n dun even think 'bout stopping to blog.

Weary Hag said...

You make a very valid point with your suggestions!

Frankly? I don't see anything wrong with taking a slight blogging hiatus every now and again ... it's nice to inform people of this in the line of a short blurb on the site, but even that shouldn't really be necessary.

Sometimes a little break can work wonders too!